Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Talk about lazy [I know...]

So, as it turns out, it took me several months to write another post. Three weeks after my last one, I found out I was pregnant. It's been an emotional roller-coaster since then. No. Joke. My hormones were all over the place and I found myself crying about absolutely nothing. That's when I knew. I knew something was up. Low and behold, a test proved me correct. Damnit. I was in no way ready nor prepared for this. Life sure throws curve balls heh? Thanks.

I have adjusted to the idea of being pregnant. I have yet to tell family, but I will eventually. I'm a bit nervous as to how it'll go down. I'm currently 14 weeks. Today, actually. Wow. I have begun to feel the baby move a bit, but not too much. Everything is looking good so far. I've been beyond exhausted this last trimester and could hardly get up from the couch before needing a nap. Let me tell you that it's beyond annoying to have energy and a hyper toddler running around. Things seem to be getting easier for now though. This last week seems to have been easier for me, emotionally and physically. Thank God.

Time to go bathe the monster. I shall be back soon.
